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Google has now become a new problem solver. In this modern era with technology, everything is available on the Internet. But if you do not search some things on Google, it would be better. Because it can feed you the air of jail.

They should not forget to search even on Google.
New Delhi. To do some work, you seek the help of Google from the right Muhurta to learning the recipes of Indian, MaxiCan, Italian and Duniya. Google has a solution for every problem of you and also the answer to your question. This is the reason that Google has become a part of everyone’s life. If someone wants to ask something or wants to learn something, then he immediately goes to Google. Meaning it is Google, it is possible to reach anywhere and know anything. Everything is available on the Internet in this modern era filled with technology.
Even if you ask every question from Google, but there are some things that you do not search in Google, only it will be better. Because you can also reach jail by searching these things on Google. Let us know what you should not search on Google.
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Never search these 5 things on Google
1. About making bombs
If someone searches about the information related to making bombs or weapons, then it may cost it expensive. By doing this, that person can come under the eyes of security agencies.
2. Do not search for abortion
People should avoid searching about abortion on Google, because abortion is illegal in India.
3. Search related to crime
Apart from this, people should avoid searching for any criminal activity and rape victim’s name.
4. Search related to child pornography
Anyone should avoid search related to child abuse. By doing this, that person can be jailed.
5. Pirated Video
Most people try to watch free movies on Google. If you also do this, then be careful, because if someone is found doing piracy of the film or searching about it on Google, then it is a crime. By doing this, a person can be jailed for at least three years. Not only this, a fine of Rs 10 lakh can also be imposed on that person.
New Delhi,Delhi
January 27, 2025, 13:07 IST
Never search Google, these 5 things, mills may be drunk in jail